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Sacred Spaces - The LOVVVE Alchemy Circle  

Tropical Flower and Palms
_The LOVVVE Alchemy Circle logo.png

The LOVE, JOY and GRACE Alchemy Circle:
A support community where you can be real.

Do you want to be a part of a community of women who are real? Do you want to be a part of a community of women who want to turn their invisible into something visible through love?
I Do, so join me and reserve your spot for
the next circle.

It's a space where we can be safe to be seen and supported by each other through everything life has to offer.

Wouldn't it be nice to belong somewhere where love, joy, and grace abound? Where you can brag on each other and lift each other up? Join the LOVE, JOY & GRACE Alchemy Circle today!

"Kristin is a caring, wonderful person who excels in every aspect of her life. Success follows her, people are drawn to her. Knowing her is a true pleasure." Vicki Eisel Starinsky, Star in Sky Realty

“Vision without action is merely just a dream. Action without vision just passes the time. Vision with action changes the world” -Joel A Barker

Ready to let LOVVVE elevate your life?


Love is all about letting our values, visions, and victories elevate our voice.


We all want to feel like our lives matter and have an impact. That’s what the LOVVVE Alchemy Circle is all about. It helps you discover the values that are important to you, set clear visions and intentions, and learn how to celebrate your victories, in a Women’s safe space, supportive circle. 


When you live a life based on LOVVVE, everything is possible.


Imagine feeling motivated every day by your values. Picture yourself achieving your intentions and visions. Think about how good it will feel to finally celebrate your victories.


In the Lovvve Alchemy Circle, you can learn how to become more mindful of love and joy in life and find a balance between work and personal growth.


You can live a life inspired by purpose. The LOVVVE Alchemy Circle will help you develop better habits for success and personal fulfillment that will open new opportunities for growth.


By understanding ourselves and what motivates us, we can have more joy and clarity on our lives. We can develop actionable practices that empower us in achieving all that we desire.


Are you ready to discover LOVVVE today?

"Kristin is so incredibly knowledgeable and an absolute pleasure to work with." Dana Caballero, Casey Key Resorts- Mainland 

The Process:


Month1: Values

With a Personal Values Assessment, you will discover the fundamental building blocks of your life that can help shape how you live. Values can be used to guide your decision, inform your actions, and give you a sense of purpose. The personal values assessment seeks to identify what these values are in order for you to better understand who you truly are and how your values affect your life. Through this assessment and further exploration we will measure beliefs to provide an accurate picture of who you are deep down inside. You will gain valuable insight into yourself that could help lead you on the path toward a meaningful life filled with more fulfillment, happiness and joy.


Month 2: Visions

When you uncover your core values, you can align your life with your passions. Together, we will explore your deepest desires and what may be holding you back from manifesting them. With my guidance, you will gain clarity on your goals and create a vision for your future that inspires and motivates you. I will assist you in setting meaningful intentions and using the power of manifestation to attract positive outcomes. I will also provide insights into the workings of the Universe and help you to discover what truly brings out the best in you.


Month 3: Victories

Let's Celebrate our Victories!  I will teach you the transformative practice of "The Art of The Brag," which empowers you to acknowledge and celebrate your abilities and achievements. By embracing this practice, you can cultivate a sense of love and joy within yourself, leading to a more fulfilled life. With the Art of The Brag, you can boost your confidence and feel inspired to take on any challenge that comes your way!


The LOVVVE Alchemy Circle

A Sister Circle of loving support that celebrates our messes, transitions, and evolutions. We honor every stage of personal transformation, encourage each other to grow in ways that help us each feel empowered. The circle is filled with  mutual acceptance that enables us to move forward on our individual paths without judgment or fear. Through this weekly sister embrace, we will foster personal growth within a safe space built on compassion, love, and respect.

The Details:


-Weekly Sister Circle Meetings Every Tuesday

-Access to Private Sister Group

-Support from Host and other Like-minded Individuals

-Access to Recordings

-Weekly Guided Journey's Through either Values, Visions or Victories

- Amazing Tools for Discovering Your Passion and Driving Possibilities in Your Life





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